Wednesday, May 14, 2014

First Post!


I am making my first official post of the journey I hope to take with my wife and our first child. We are currently 22 weeks along in the pregnancy and are looking forward to welcoming our first child into the world. Of course I have my hopes, wishes, and dreams. Boy, or girl, I am looking forward to being a hockey dad.

A little bit about myself. I am 30 years old and I grew up in San Diego, CA. Our family never really had much money, but I took to hockey around the 6th grade. I played street, and organized roller hockey for the majority of my early teens and to this day am still a big hockey fan, I really wanted to play ice hockey but being from a single parent household I never got that opportunity because it was to expensive.

I have been dreaming of the day I could provide my child with the opportunity that I never had, and that is to be involved in organized ice hockey. Of course, I won't be the type to force my child into this, but I will introduce him or her to it at an early age. I hope he or she loves it as much as I did and is grateful for the opportunity to play!

So I guess that is a good place to begin. Here is a picture of baby @ 22 weeks. Looking forward to documenting our journey here!

- Txhockeydad